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Cimbalino ToolkitILocationService Properties

The ILocationService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDesiredAccuracy
Gets the accuracy level at which the location service provides location updates.
Public propertyDesiredAccuracyInMeters
Gets the desired accuracy in meters for data returned from the location service.
Public propertyMovementThreshold
Gets or sets the distance of movement, in meters, relative to the coordinate from the last PositionChanged event, that is required for the location service to raise a PositionChanged event.
Public propertyReportInterval
Gets or sets the requested minimum time interval between location updates, in milliseconds. If your application requires updates infrequently, set this value so that the location provider can conserve power by calculating location only when needed.
Public propertyStatus
Gets the status that indicates the ability of the location service to provide location updates.
See Also