Cimbalino.Toolkit.Services Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ApplicationManifestService |
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationManifestService.
| |
ApplicationProfileService |
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationProfileService.
| |
ApplicationSettingsService |
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationSettingsService.
| |
ApplicationSettingsServiceHandler |
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationSettingsServiceHandler.
| |
ClipboardService |
Represents an implementation of the IClipboardService.
| |
DeviceSettingsService |
Represents an implementation of the IDeviceSettingsService.
| |
DeviceStatusService |
Represents an implementation of the IDeviceStatusService.
| |
DeviceStatusWithKeyboardService |
Represents an implementation of the IDeviceStatusService.
| |
DispatcherService |
Represents an implementation of the IDispatcherService.
| |
DisplayPropertiesService |
Represents an implementation of the IDisplayPropertiesService.
| |
EmailComposeService |
Represents an implementation of the IEmailComposeService.
| |
FilePickerService |
Represents an implementation of the IFilePickerService.
| |
FilePickerServiceFileResult |
Represents the result of the PickSingleFileAsync(FilePickerServiceOptions) operation.
| |
FilePickerServiceOptions |
The options for a IFilePickerService operation.
| |
LauncherService |
Represents an implementation of the ILauncherService.
| |
LauncherServiceAppInfo |
Provides information about an application such as it name, package information, ID.
| |
LegacyApplicationSettingsServiceHandler |
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationSettingsServiceHandler.
| |
LocationService |
Represents an implementation of the ILocationService.
| |
LocationServicePosition |
Represents a location expressed as a geographic coordinate.
| |
LocationServicePositionChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for PositionChanged events.
| |
LocationServiceStatusChangedEventArgs |
Provides information for the StatusChanged event.
| |
LockScreenService |
Represents an implementation of the ILockScreenService.
| |
LockScreenWithRequestService |
Represents an implementation of the ILockScreenService.
| |
MapManagerService |
Represents an implementation of the IMapManagerService.
| |
MessageBoxService |
Represents an implementation of the IMessageBoxService.
| |
NavigationService |
Represents an implementation of the INavigationService.
| |
NavigationServiceBackKeyPressedEventArgs |
Provides information for the BackKeyPressed event.
| |
NetworkInformationService |
Represents an implementation of the INetworkInformationService.
| |
PersonalizationService |
Represents an implementation of the IPersonalizationService.
| |
PhoneCallService |
Represents an implementation of the IPhoneCallService.
| |
PowerStatusChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for PowerStatusChanged events.
| |
RuntimeInformationService |
Represents an implementation of the IRuntimeInformationService.
| |
SmsComposeService |
Represents an implementation of the ISmsComposeService.
| |
StatusBarService |
Represents an implementation of the IStatusBarService.
| |
StorageService |
Represents an implementation of the IStorageService.
| |
StorageServiceHandler |
Represents an implementation of the IStorageServiceHandler.
| |
StorageServiceStorageType |
Describes the storage type.
| |
StoreService |
Represents an implementation of the IStoreService.
| |
TitleBarIsVisibleChangedArgs |
Provides data for IsVisibleChanged events.
| |
TitleBarService |
Represents an implementation of the ITitleBarService.
| |
VibrationService |
Represents an implementation of the IVibrationService.
| |
WindowsPhoneStoreService |
Represents an implementation of the IWindowsPhoneStoreService.
| |
WindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppCapabilitiesNode |
Represents the application capabilities information.
| |
WindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppCapabilityNode |
Represents an application capability information.
| |
WindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppCategoryNode |
Represents an application category information.
| |
WindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppContentNode |
Represents an application content information.
| |
WindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppEntryNode |
Represents the contents of the application entry information from the store.
| |
WindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppHwCapabilityNode |
Represents an application hardware capability information.
| |
WindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppImageNode |
Represents an application image information.
| |
WindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppNode |
Represents the contents of the application information from the store.
| |
WindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppOfferNode |
Represents the contents of the application offer information from the store.
| |
WindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppRatingsDistributionsNode |
Represents an application ratings distribution information.
| |
WindowsStoreService |
Represents an implementation of the IWindowsStoreService.
| |
WindowsStoreServiceAppArchitectureNode |
Represents an application supported architecture information.
| |
WindowsStoreServiceAppCategoryNode |
Represents an application category information.
| |
WindowsStoreServiceAppNode |
Represents the contents of the application information from the store.
| |
WindowsStoreServiceAppPackageNode |
Represents an application package information.
| |
WindowsStoreServiceAppScreenshotNode |
Represents an application screenshot information.
Interface | Description | |
IApplicationManifestService |
Represents a service capable of reading from the application manifest.
| |
IApplicationProfileService |
Represents a service capable of providing profile information about an app.
| |
IApplicationSettingsService |
Represents a service capable of handling the application settings.
| |
IApplicationSettingsServiceHandler |
Represents a service capable of handling the application settings.
| |
IClipboardService |
Represents a service capable of handling the system clipboard.
| |
IDeviceSettingsService |
Represents a service capable of launching a Settings dialog that allows the user to change the device's settings dialog.
| |
IDeviceStatusService |
Represents a service capable of obtaining information about the device on which it is running.
| |
IDispatcherService |
Represents a service capable of handling the UI thread dispatcher.
| |
IDisplayPropertiesService |
Represents a service capable of launching a Settings dialog that allows the user to change the device's settings.
| |
IEmailComposeService |
Represents a service capable of sending e-mail messages.
| |
IFilePickerService |
Represents a service capable of handling the file pickers.
| |
ILauncherService |
Represents a service capable of starting the default app associated with the specified file or Uri.
| |
ILocationService |
Represents a service capable of handling the device location capabilities.
| |
ILockScreenService |
Represents a service capable of managing the lock screen.
| |
IMapManagerService |
Represents a service capable of displaying the UI that lets users download maps for offline use, or update maps that were previously downloaded.
| |
IMessageBoxService |
Represents a service capable of showing message boxes.
| |
INavigationService |
Represents a service capable of handling the application navigation.
| |
INetworkInformationService |
Represents a service capable of providing network information for a specific device.
| |
IPersonalizationService |
Represents a service capable of changing of the user's wallpaper and lock screen images.
| |
IPhoneCallService |
Represents a service capable of launching the Phone application.
| |
IRuntimeInformationService |
Represents a service capable of providing runtime information for a specific device.
| |
ISmsComposeService |
Represents a service capable of launching the Messaging application with a new SMS message displayed.
| |
IStatusBarService |
Represents a service capable of handling the application status bar.
| |
IStorageService |
Represents a service capable of handling the application storage asynchronously.
| |
IStorageServiceHandler |
Represents a service capable of handling the application storage asynchronously.
| |
IStoreService |
Represents a service capable of launching the Store application.
| |
ITitleBarService |
Represents a service capable of managing the window title bar.
| |
IVibrationService |
Represents a service capable of using device vibration capabilities.
| |
IWindowsPhoneStoreService |
Represents a service capable of retrieving Windows Phone Store information about an application.
| |
IWindowsStoreService |
Represents a service capable of retrieving Windows Store information about an application.
Enumeration | Description | |
ApplicationProfileServiceMode |
Describes the application profile mode.
| |
DeviceStatusServicePowerSource |
Indicates whether the device is currently running on battery power or is plugged in to an external power supply.
| |
FilePickerServiceLocationId |
Identifies the storage location that the file picker presents to the user.
| |
FilePickerServiceViewMode |
Indicates the view mode that the file picker is using to present items.
| |
LocationServiceAccuracy |
Indicates the requested accuracy level for the location data that the application uses.
| |
LocationServiceStatus |
Indicates the ability of the ILocationService to provide location data.
| |
LockScreenServiceRequestResult |
Indicates if the app was successfully or unsuccessfully set as the lock screen background provider.
| |
NavigationServiceBackKeyPressedBehavior |
Indicates the expected behavior for when the user presses the hardware Back button.
| |
RuntimeInformationServiceProfile |
Indicates the device runtime profile.