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Cimbalino ToolkitCimbalino.Toolkit.Services Namespace
The Cimbalino.Toolkit.Services namespace provides a set of MVVM-ready services
Public classApplicationManifestService
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationManifestService.
Public classApplicationProfileService
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationProfileService.
Public classApplicationSettingsService
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationSettingsService.
Public classApplicationSettingsServiceHandler
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationSettingsServiceHandler.
Public classClipboardService
Represents an implementation of the IClipboardService.
Public classDeviceSettingsService
Represents an implementation of the IDeviceSettingsService.
Public classDeviceStatusService
Represents an implementation of the IDeviceStatusService.
Public classDeviceStatusWithKeyboardService
Represents an implementation of the IDeviceStatusService.
Public classDispatcherService
Represents an implementation of the IDispatcherService.
Public classDisplayPropertiesService
Represents an implementation of the IDisplayPropertiesService.
Public classEmailComposeService
Represents an implementation of the IEmailComposeService.
Public classFilePickerService
Represents an implementation of the IFilePickerService.
Public classFilePickerServiceFileResult
Represents the result of the PickSingleFileAsync(FilePickerServiceOptions) operation.
Public classFilePickerServiceOptions
The options for a IFilePickerService operation.
Public classLauncherService
Represents an implementation of the ILauncherService.
Public classLauncherServiceAppInfo
Provides information about an application such as it name, package information, ID.
Public classLegacyApplicationSettingsServiceHandler
Represents an implementation of the IApplicationSettingsServiceHandler.
Public classLocationService
Represents an implementation of the ILocationService.
Public classLocationServicePosition
Represents a location expressed as a geographic coordinate.
Public classLocationServicePositionChangedEventArgs
Provides data for PositionChanged events.
Public classLocationServiceStatusChangedEventArgs
Provides information for the StatusChanged event.
Public classLockScreenService
Represents an implementation of the ILockScreenService.
Public classLockScreenWithRequestService
Represents an implementation of the ILockScreenService.
Public classMapManagerService
Represents an implementation of the IMapManagerService.
Public classMessageBoxService
Represents an implementation of the IMessageBoxService.
Public classNavigationService
Represents an implementation of the INavigationService.
Public classNavigationServiceBackKeyPressedEventArgs
Provides information for the BackKeyPressed event.
Public classNetworkInformationService
Represents an implementation of the INetworkInformationService.
Public classPersonalizationService
Represents an implementation of the IPersonalizationService.
Public classPhoneCallService
Represents an implementation of the IPhoneCallService.
Public classPowerStatusChangedEventArgs
Provides data for PowerStatusChanged events.
Public classRuntimeInformationService
Represents an implementation of the IRuntimeInformationService.
Public classSmsComposeService
Represents an implementation of the ISmsComposeService.
Public classStatusBarService
Represents an implementation of the IStatusBarService.
Public classStorageService
Represents an implementation of the IStorageService.
Public classStorageServiceHandler
Represents an implementation of the IStorageServiceHandler.
Public classStorageServiceStorageType
Describes the storage type.
Public classStoreService
Represents an implementation of the IStoreService.
Public classTitleBarIsVisibleChangedArgs
Provides data for IsVisibleChanged events.
Public classTitleBarService
Represents an implementation of the ITitleBarService.
Public classVibrationService
Represents an implementation of the IVibrationService.
Public classWindowsPhoneStoreService
Represents an implementation of the IWindowsPhoneStoreService.
Public classWindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppCapabilitiesNode
Represents the application capabilities information.
Public classWindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppCapabilityNode
Represents an application capability information.
Public classWindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppCategoryNode
Represents an application category information.
Public classWindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppContentNode
Represents an application content information.
Public classWindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppEntryNode
Represents the contents of the application entry information from the store.
Public classWindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppHwCapabilityNode
Represents an application hardware capability information.
Public classWindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppImageNode
Represents an application image information.
Public classWindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppNode
Represents the contents of the application information from the store.
Public classWindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppOfferNode
Represents the contents of the application offer information from the store.
Public classWindowsPhoneStoreServiceAppRatingsDistributionsNode
Represents an application ratings distribution information.
Public classWindowsStoreService
Represents an implementation of the IWindowsStoreService.
Public classWindowsStoreServiceAppArchitectureNode
Represents an application supported architecture information.
Public classWindowsStoreServiceAppCategoryNode
Represents an application category information.
Public classWindowsStoreServiceAppNode
Represents the contents of the application information from the store.
Public classWindowsStoreServiceAppPackageNode
Represents an application package information.
Public classWindowsStoreServiceAppScreenshotNode
Represents an application screenshot information.
Public interfaceIApplicationManifestService
Represents a service capable of reading from the application manifest.
Public interfaceIApplicationProfileService
Represents a service capable of providing profile information about an app.
Public interfaceIApplicationSettingsService
Represents a service capable of handling the application settings.
Public interfaceIApplicationSettingsServiceHandler
Represents a service capable of handling the application settings.
Public interfaceIClipboardService
Represents a service capable of handling the system clipboard.
Public interfaceIDeviceSettingsService
Represents a service capable of launching a Settings dialog that allows the user to change the device's settings dialog.
Public interfaceIDeviceStatusService
Represents a service capable of obtaining information about the device on which it is running.
Public interfaceIDispatcherService
Represents a service capable of handling the UI thread dispatcher.
Public interfaceIDisplayPropertiesService
Represents a service capable of launching a Settings dialog that allows the user to change the device's settings.
Public interfaceIEmailComposeService
Represents a service capable of sending e-mail messages.
Public interfaceIFilePickerService
Represents a service capable of handling the file pickers.
Public interfaceILauncherService
Represents a service capable of starting the default app associated with the specified file or Uri.
Public interfaceILocationService
Represents a service capable of handling the device location capabilities.
Public interfaceILockScreenService
Represents a service capable of managing the lock screen.
Public interfaceIMapManagerService
Represents a service capable of displaying the UI that lets users download maps for offline use, or update maps that were previously downloaded.
Public interfaceIMessageBoxService
Represents a service capable of showing message boxes.
Public interfaceINavigationService
Represents a service capable of handling the application navigation.
Public interfaceINetworkInformationService
Represents a service capable of providing network information for a specific device.
Public interfaceIPersonalizationService
Represents a service capable of changing of the user's wallpaper and lock screen images.
Public interfaceIPhoneCallService
Represents a service capable of launching the Phone application.
Public interfaceIRuntimeInformationService
Represents a service capable of providing runtime information for a specific device.
Public interfaceISmsComposeService
Represents a service capable of launching the Messaging application with a new SMS message displayed.
Public interfaceIStatusBarService
Represents a service capable of handling the application status bar.
Public interfaceIStorageService
Represents a service capable of handling the application storage asynchronously.
Public interfaceIStorageServiceHandler
Represents a service capable of handling the application storage asynchronously.
Public interfaceIStoreService
Represents a service capable of launching the Store application.
Public interfaceITitleBarService
Represents a service capable of managing the window title bar.
Public interfaceIVibrationService
Represents a service capable of using device vibration capabilities.
Public interfaceIWindowsPhoneStoreService
Represents a service capable of retrieving Windows Phone Store information about an application.
Public interfaceIWindowsStoreService
Represents a service capable of retrieving Windows Store information about an application.
Public enumerationApplicationProfileServiceMode
Describes the application profile mode.
Public enumerationDeviceStatusServicePowerSource
Indicates whether the device is currently running on battery power or is plugged in to an external power supply.
Public enumerationFilePickerServiceLocationId
Identifies the storage location that the file picker presents to the user.
Public enumerationFilePickerServiceViewMode
Indicates the view mode that the file picker is using to present items.
Public enumerationLocationServiceAccuracy
Indicates the requested accuracy level for the location data that the application uses.
Public enumerationLocationServiceStatus
Indicates the ability of the ILocationService to provide location data.
Public enumerationLockScreenServiceRequestResult
Indicates if the app was successfully or unsuccessfully set as the lock screen background provider.
Public enumerationNavigationServiceBackKeyPressedBehavior
Indicates the expected behavior for when the user presses the hardware Back button.
Public enumerationRuntimeInformationServiceProfile
Indicates the device runtime profile.