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Cimbalino ToolkitDisplayPropertiesService Properties

The DisplayPropertiesService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBounds
Gets the height and width of the application window, as a Rect value.
Public propertyLogicalDpi
Gets the pixels per logical inch of the current environment.
Public propertyPhysicalBounds
Gets the height and width of the physical screen, as a Rect value.
Public propertyRawDpiX
Gets the raw dots per inch (DPI) along the x axis of the display monitor.
Public propertyRawDpiY
Gets the raw dots per inch (DPI) along the y axis of the display monitor.
Public propertyRawPixelsPerViewPixel
Gets the number of raw (physical) pixels for each view (layout) pixel.
Public propertyScreenDiagonal
Gets the physical screen diagonal size.
See Also