Click or drag to resize
Cimbalino ToolkitHamburgerTitleBar Class
A hamburger title bar.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Cimbalino.Toolkit.Controls
Assembly: Cimbalino.Toolkit.Controls (in Cimbalino.Toolkit.Controls.dll) Version: (
public class HamburgerTitleBar : Control

The HamburgerTitleBar type exposes the following members.

Public methodHamburgerTitleBar
Initializes a new instance of the HamburgerTitleBar class.
Public propertyActualHeight (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyActualWidth (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyAllowDrop (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyBackground (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyBaseUri (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyBorderBrush (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyBorderThickness (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyCacheMode (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyCanDrag (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyCharacterSpacing (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyClip (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyCompositeMode (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyDataContext (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Protected propertyDefaultStyleKey (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyDesiredSize (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyDispatcher (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public propertyFlowDirection (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyFocusState (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFontFamily (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFontSize (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFontStretch (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFontStyle (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFontWeight (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyForeground (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyHeight (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyHorizontalAlignment (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyHorizontalContentAlignment (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIsDoubleTapEnabled (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyIsEnabled (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIsHitTestVisible (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyIsHoldingEnabled (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyIsRightTapEnabled (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyIsTabStop (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIsTapEnabled (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyIsTextScaleFactorEnabled (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyLanguage (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyManipulationMode (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyMargin (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyMaxHeight (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyMaxWidth (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyMenuButtonVisibility
Gets or sets the visibility of the menu button.
Public propertyMinHeight (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyMinWidth (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyName (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyOpacity (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyPadding (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyParent (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyPointerCaptures (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyProjection (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyRenderSize (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyRenderTransform (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyRenderTransformOrigin (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyRequestedTheme (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyResources (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyStyle (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyTabIndex (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTabNavigation (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTag (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyTemplate (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTitle
Gets or sets the displayed title of the title bar.
Public propertyTransform3D (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyTransitions (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyTriggers (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyUseLayoutRounding (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyUseSystemFocusVisuals (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyVerticalAlignment (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public propertyVerticalContentAlignment (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyVisibility (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public propertyWidth (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodAddHandler (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodApplyTemplate (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodArrange (Inherited from UIElement.)
Protected methodArrangeOverride (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodCancelDirectManipulations (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodCapturePointer (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodClearValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindName (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Protected method[M:Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement.FindSubElementsForTouchTargeting(System.Void,Windows.Foundation.Collections.IIterable`1)] (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodFocus (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetAnimationBaseValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodGetBindingExpression (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetTemplateChild (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Protected methodGoToElementStateCore (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodInvalidateArrange (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodInvalidateMeasure (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodMeasure (Inherited from UIElement.)
Protected methodMeasureOverride (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnApplyTemplate
When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call ApplyTemplate.
(Overrides FrameworkElementOnApplyTemplate.)
Protected methodOnCreateAutomationPeer (Inherited from UIElement.)
Protected methodOnDisconnectVisualChildren (Inherited from UIElement.)
Protected methodOnDoubleTapped (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnDragEnter (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnDragLeave (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnDragOver (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnDrop (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnGotFocus (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnHolding (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnKeyDown (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnKeyUp (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnLostFocus (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnManipulationCompleted (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnManipulationDelta (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnManipulationInertiaStarting (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnManipulationStarted (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnManipulationStarting (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnPointerCanceled (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnPointerCaptureLost (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnPointerEntered (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnPointerExited (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnPointerMoved (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnPointerPressed (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnPointerReleased (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnPointerWheelChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnRightTapped (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnTapped (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodReadLocalValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodRegisterPropertyChangedCallback (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodReleasePointerCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodReleasePointerCaptures (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodRemoveHandler (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodSetBinding (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodSetValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodStartDragAsync (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransformToVisual (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodUnregisterPropertyChangedCallback (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodUpdateLayout (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDataContextChanged (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public eventDoubleTapped (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDragEnter (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDragLeave (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDragOver (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDragStarting (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDrop (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDropCompleted (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventGotFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventHolding (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventIsEnabledChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Public eventKeyDown (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventKeyUp (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventLayoutUpdated (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public eventLoaded (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public eventLoading (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public eventLostFocus (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventManipulationCompleted (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventManipulationDelta (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventManipulationInertiaStarting (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventManipulationStarted (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventManipulationStarting (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventMenuButtonClick
Occurs when the menu button is clicked.
Public eventPointerCanceled (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerCaptureLost (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerEntered (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerExited (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerMoved (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerPressed (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerReleased (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerWheelChanged (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventRightTapped (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventSizeChanged (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public eventTapped (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventUnloaded (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public fieldStatic memberMenuButtonVisibilityProperty
Identifier for the MenuButtonVisibility dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberTitleProperty
Identifier for the Title dependency property.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetBehaviorT
Returns the Behavior attached to the framework element with the specified type.
(Defined by FrameworkElementExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetBehaviors
Gets the BehaviorCollection associated with the framework element.
(Defined by FrameworkElementExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyValue(String)Overloaded.
Searches for the public property with the specified name and gets its value.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyValueTObject(String)Overloaded.
Searches for the public property with the specified name and gets its value.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetVisualAncestorT
Returns the ancestor object of the dependencyObject object in the visual tree with the specified type.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetVisualChildsOverloaded.
Retrieves all the visual children of a dependency object.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetVisualChildsTOverloaded.
Retrieves all the visual children of a dependency object with the specified type.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetVisualDescendentsOverloaded.
Retrieves all the visual descendants of a dependency object.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetVisualDescendentsTOverloaded.
Retrieves all the visual descendants of a dependency object with the specified type.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetVisualParent
Returns an object's parent object in the visual tree.
(Defined by DependencyObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInvokeMethod(String, Object)Overloaded.
Searches for the public method with the specified name and invokes it using the specified parameters.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInvokeMethodTObject(String, Object)Overloaded.
Searches for the public method with the specified name and invokes it using the specified parameters, returning the result.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetPropertyValueTObject
Searches for the public property with the specified name and sets its value.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Version Information


Supported in: 10.0
See Also