Click or drag to resize
Cimbalino ToolkitApplicationBar Properties

The ApplicationBar type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBackgroundColor
Gets or sets the background color of the Application Bar.
Public propertyButtons
Gets the list of the buttons that appear on the Application Bar.
Public propertyDispatcher (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public propertyForegroundColor
Gets or sets the foreground color of the Application Bar.
Public propertyIsMenuEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can open the menu.
Public propertyIsVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Application Bar is visible.
Public propertyMenuItems
Gets the list of the menu items that appear on the Application Bar.
Public propertyMode
Gets or sets the size of the Application Bar.
Public propertyOpacity
Gets or sets the opacity of the Application Bar.
Public propertyStateChangedCommand
Gets or sets the command to invoke when the user opens or closes the menu. This is a DependencyProperty.
See Also